
Wished Lies ch21 BigbangXreader

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AlexDamini's avatar

Literature Text

   Reader's POV
    You looked at your phone notifications again: absolutely nothing. Not that that was new, its just that ever since you had become the new 'assistant' (or slave, either name points to you!)  to Y.G entertainment's idol group, BIGBANG, your phone has never been silent. It's funny how much life changes after you get shipped off to Korea. 
     'Really weird.. than again, that bully is probably confused as shit, right? Not even a demand from Y.G.. Geez!When are they going to decide on a god-forsaken ice cream? There are only three flavors here!' you looked behind the bench you were sitting on into the convenient store; sure enough, there was Taeyang and G-Dragon, two guys that looked like they jumped out of a manga, playfully fighting over which ice cream was better. For some reason, they seem so well together; G.D pouted and folded his arms and then sneak attacked Youngbae by messing with his jet-black mohawk. Jokingly upset, Taeyang, in turn, head-locked G.D and stole his ice-cream, then he started to head to the register. You sighed, guess it was time to pay. 
    After loading the two into the van and dropping them off at the dorm, you started, once again, on the road. By now it was dark, and you began to think of what Daesung and Seungri were up to. Anxiety and worry bore down heavily; idols weren't exactly safe on the streets. And about their street smarts..? No way, Daesung would smile at thugs and Seungri wouldn't be able to fight against muggers to save his life. 'On the other hand,' you thought, smiling at the street lights and couples walking together hand-in-hand, 'Maybe they are having a nice time, just the two of them.' You had never really imagined Daesung and the maknae together, but now that you look back on it, they seemed genuinely happy. Seungri would always try to suprise D-Lite, hiding behind doors and such, and would then jump Dae by springing out and hugging the older guy. The panda's lover would always turn pink, no matter how many times he was surprised, and would return the embrace and pick up the slightly shorter (short, but very much so naughtier!) guy, squeezing the life out of him. No one really saw this side of them either, not D-lite as the 'manly' type nor  Seungri as the little troublemaker he truly was. All in all, they seemed to really love each other.
    Now, all that was left was to pick up the one really pissy member: T.O.P. You gripped the wheel tighter. 'Who did that jerk think he was? What, beggar? Slave? And worst of all, pervert? Hahahaha!' You swerved the car to the right, up ahead was the place you dropped the rapper off previously. 'Pervert. I will show you who's a pervert!' you smiled evilly while parking the car in front of the now dim, dead ice-cream shop. But- where was Choi Seung Hyun? 
      After a brief radar-scan of the street, you were pretty positive he had gone inside somewhere, because he wasn't just chillin outside like a normal person. Oh no. That would have been way too convenient, right? Unbuckling the safety belt and locking the car, you managed to call the bully before setting out on a search. 'BEEP BEEP BEEP I'm sorry, but the phone you have called in currently unavai-' you snapped the cheap ass phone shut. 'Really? All I want to do is get my revenge, not play hide n' go seek with an idol...' 
    Walking up and down the god forsaken street, you passed at least a dozen different coffee shops, four grocery marts, who knows how many convenient stores, and even a small, shady looking host club full of trashy guys and middle-aged woman. Korea's nightlife. Returning to the ice-cream shop, you began to give up. 'Okay, I can just leave him here since he is being an ass right now-' an image of a screaming Teddy flashed through your mind, waving schedules and throwing contracts all over the place. Perhaps ditching the idol wasn't the best idea. 'Where is he? How can three, highly adored,  musicians be missing!' Really? Man, this job sucked at times!  
   Desperate, you slumped over to a table around the corner of the frozen dessert store; if you had to sort out your thoughts this was the place, it was semi-hidden from view by the street so it gave one's self a little privacy. The table was, of course, less comforting as it had been earlier in the sun when people were NORMALLY awake, but that really wasn't the problem, you just had to sort out all the happy 'surprises' of the day. In fact, T.O.P wasn't even the biggest problem to begin with, very much less the cold concrete table. 
   By now, you had decided the Dae-gri secret date was no, not cute, not even the 'secret car stealing' part was tiniest bit of cute. It was just a head-ache by the end of the night. And the car itself is probably a small fortune, knowing the owner's personality (Thanks for being ever so cocky T.O.P, really appreciate it). You put your head in your lap, the only comforting thing was the slight, evening breeze that ran through your hair and danced on your skin. Might as well start searching for that idol; who knows how long it will take to find the other two. 
   "If there is one freaking scratch on that damn ca-"

    "Than it will come out of your paycheck." The voice you had become to hate ricochet into your ear, sending a cold shiver throughout your body. That damn jerk. Instantly, you looked at where the smug voice had come from; and right there, right across the little fenced-in yard you were in, sat the white-mohawked bastard and his smooth black tux. His expression was smug, as always, his eyes fierce even in the dimness of the light and his up-turned lips taunting you to smack them. Suddenly, you had all the energy in the world! Thanks to the times that bully had made fun of you, you had the energy to get revenge. The perfect revenge. 
    You stood up in a leisurely way, brushing the boy cut bangs out of your eyes, and took your time strutting over to T.O.P. His expression turned from smug, arrogant rapper, to nervous, confused guy in an instant. 'This is great...' you remarked brushing your fingers along the tables, wearing a triumphant smile. Choi Seung Hyun scouted back a little in his chair, his eyes wide and lips quivering a little. It was obvious he was recalling the sexy things you said to him on the phone, it was simply delicious to see his perplexed expression.
    "Wha-What is it-" He stumbled out of his chair and took a few steps back, promptly being cornered into the fence. It was a nice scene though, his confused face underneath a streetlight that dully flickered on and off above. 
    "T.O.P.." You sighed, backing him up against the fence and closing in on  your victim. "Oh, I'm sorry, master. I didn't mean to keep you waiting this long- We have important things we need to test out, right?" You kept your voice low and sexy-like, touching his chest with your short finger-nails. He spazzed a little at your touch, putting his arms on your shoulders to push you away. Despite your intentions, his aroma was like the ocean, calling you in, and his chest was muscular and firm; this guy was most definitely an idol. It was weird to be hating someone and to be drawn to him at the same time; too bad you had way to much sense as to actually fall for this loser.
    "St-Stop, we need to search for my car! We need to go-" Choi Seung Hyun squirmed a bit and tried to dodge you- but you promptly put your arms on either side of him, trapping him like a mouse.
    This was your last chance before he totally pushed you away, at least judging by the way he looked away and started to push against you. His brow creased; the last indication.
    "Master... pleas" You sighed and leaned into his ear, pressing your two bodies together. Man if this wasn't for revenge, this would have been HOT! You could feel every one of the rapper's muscles underneath his shirt... you had to admit, this made you waver ever so slightly. Too bad, a bastard is still a bastard. Meanwhile, T.O.P became a statue, his eyes wide open while he muttered things like "G-g-gay" And "Bastard servant". Too put icing on the cake, you added the best line of the night, leaning ever so seductively into the rapper's ear:
    "PABU! This is revenge bastard!" You leaned back and stared at him. His face was amazing- his expression was cringing from the yell but slowly recovering with absolute shock. Simply delicious. 'Sucks when you are the one being teased, huh?' You noted, smiling. He started to say somthing but you sut him off:
    "Woah- I really hope I didn't turn you on that  much you thick skinned rhinoceros! Now c'mon, we gotta find that eloping couple." You quickly turned and fled the scene to the car, not wanting to get killed by T.O.P, at least not yet. Turning on the van, you waited for the rapper to come into the vehicle, laughing your ass off in the process. 
    'Really? I am way too awesome...' You sighed and slumped into your chair, gazing at the night sky. "But now, I need to find that stupid couple."
    Taeyang's perspective
     A lot had happened in the past three hours. From seeing Bae's newest best 'chingu' to be intentionally hitting on T.O.P, to finding out he was actually gay (After spending multiple- and even some drunk, blurry, nights together) to eventually eating ice-cream with the bi-polar, ever present Ji Young. It was quite the night. Now the two were at the dorms once again, just sitting on the porch, eating their frozen treat in harmony. But that, of course, didn't last long.
    Youngbae nibbled on his ice-cream and looked at his 'leader', Ji Young. G.D sat across from him; he too ate his ice-cream, but in a more Ji Young-ish way. The blondie ate the thing with no manners what-so-ever! Ice-cream was all over the guy's face as he held the pint to his mouth, and he also had a spoon, but that was really just used to shovel more of the 'Superman' flavored treat into his mouth. Tae Yang just stared at him, easily keeping a serious face when he wanted to. 'Really? Why the hell does a grown ass man do this kind of thing..?' he thought as he wiped some of Ji's multi-colored debri from his own face with a napkin.
   G.D just looked up and smiled, ice-cream smoothered face and all. 
   "What's up, you look kinda dense there my fri-" Ji stumbled, trying to talk even with all the stuff already in his mouth. 
   'Is he really trying to talk to me with all that stuff in his mouth? Is he trying to send me his food by up-chucking it? Heeeeeell Naw! No he didn't!'  Tae Yang just grabbed the paper towels next to him and covered G.D's face with them, shutting the sugar-hyped band member up for about half a second
    "You are just a little too gross right now Ji! C'mon, think idol, idol!" Tae Yang laughed, sitting a little closer so he could rub G.D's face with the towel. Leaning in, he wiped his leader's ice-cream off his face, all the while just inches away. He could feel Ji Young tense up and shift away ever so slightly, but why would he do that? It wasn't like Tae Yang had just met the guy.
    'He's being bi-polar again...' Youngbae thought, returning to his seat. Ji just looked sheepishly at him, a slight blush spread across his cheeks. 'Why is he like this...?' Bae stared at him in confusion. 
    "T-Thanks Bae" He said, smiling a little to make it seem like he wasn't being awkward, which of course made it awkward-er as hell. 'Alright! This is finally my chance to find out what's going!' Bae resolved, looking at the guy across from him.
    G.D had a curious mask on, staring at Tae, now recovered. "Bae...? What's up?" For some reason, this just set Tae Yang off. 'Seriously? Why is he so fake? This is bullshit!' he proclaimed silently, setting down his ice-cream.
    "What's up?" Tae Yang scoffed, a little angrily. How can he not see it? Is it really natural for him to act so coy?
     "This is what's up: Why are you acting so strange lately? Huh? It seems like every time we are near each other, you act so strangely." Tae Yang got up from his chair once again and sat closer to Ji. 
     The Kwon leader just looked away again, his eyes darting back and forth like he was looking at a maze. "I-I'm not too sure what you mean.." He voiced, not daring to make eye-contact. Anger immediately flooded the vocalist, all the way from his toes to his fingers. 
    Bae jumped from his seat, his sense of civility altogether nonexistent,  and pulled G-Dragon up by the collar. 
    "Eh?!"  his bandmate gaped at Tae Yang, his blonde hair falling into his eyes. 
    Tae bit his lower lip and searched into G.D's eyes as if they held the answer, but the rapper only blushed in return. "DAMN JI!" He yelled, pushing the musician (whom he was still holding by his shirt) against the brick wall behind him. 
    "WHY DON'T YOU GET IT? Every time I get near you, all you do is run away? I understand we may not be the closest in the group, but if you have a problem with me, don't run away! I hate the people who don't say anything! It's so stupid to run away like a little brat!" He looked down at Ji. The short guy was crumpled against the wall, his face was absolutely a mess: his hair dishevelled and eyes getting teary. 
    The face made Tae Yang instantly regret everything that came out of his stupid mouth. 'I didn't mean it...' He thought, but unable to voice it. 

    Meanwhile, G.D wiped his moist eyes and stuck his chin out to Tae Yang. 
    "I-I'm sorry." He stumbled, staring at Tae with a look of fragile strength- it was an obvious effort. "But I won't act strangely! Not any more, not if you don't want me too- now if you excuse me." He made a quick escape, darting back into the dorm, leaving Tae outside and alone. 
    Young Bae sat down again, covering his face with his hands- trying to go over what he had said and what had just happened. "Damn... Why did I go off like that?" He mumbled unconsciously. Inside, he knew what he had to do: He had to make it up to Ji Young. He knew he wasn't fair, and he knew he had just took all his stress out on his bandmate- it was just not fair. He also knew he still really wanted to know why Ji was acting so oddly- but that chance was now probably forever gone. 'I would be surprised..' Tae thought gloomily 'if that guy actually talks to me outside of work. You really did it this time, Tae Yang.'
Seungri's POV
    So, even though Dae was being the best man on Earth, Seungri felt a little incompetent. Don't get him wrong though; he couldn't have asked Daesung to do a better job- the date simple took his breath away. But- after the couple had gotten back in the car, he felt like he hadn't done anything for Daesung himself- like he was the brat who took everything and Dae was a supporter. So, needless to say, the panda felt like he owed it to Daesung to not be the bitch. 
    After Daesung had a lovely conversation with T.O.P, full of pleasant chit-chat and passionate friendship questions such as "Where the fuck is my car?!"  and "Where the hell was your mind?!" finally ending with the affectionate goodbye of "You better hope nothing is done to that car, or else      I am going to kill you in your sleep; well, meet us there. I am serious about the damages though." Seungri looked at D-Lite, smiling a mischievous smile.
    "I take it he was as little upset?" He asked, interlacing his fingers with Daesung's. Man, no matter how many times they touched, it was always electric. 'His hand is always so warm...' Seungri thought to himself, holding their palms to his face and leaning on his lover's shoulder. 
    Dae smiled and started to back up the car. "He was just a little antsy about it." The two drove home happily, hand-in-hand, enjoying the few moments they had before they faced hell at home.
    It was pretty much like hell at home too. As soon as they had arrived at home, T.O.P had come outside to inspect the car, making the couple stay out there to watch the whole 20 minutes of it.
    "He is going a little over the top.." Dae commented in a hushed voice to Seungri, who was absently sitting on the curb, watching his hyung fret over this and that.
    "Yeah.." He smiled at the joke though, despite his response. "I just hope he doesn't lose his top.." 
    "Too bad he doesn't have a top-notch insurance company.."

    "I wonder if it's because he doesn't have the money for top ranked services..."
    "Or maybe he is just hoarding his to-

    "Alright! We are done here." The rapper locked his car and approached the couple (Who were sitting on the curb, arms around each other) with a scowl shown on his face. "Don't ever. EVER. Do anything as fucking stupid as that ever again. I'm letting you guys off, for now, but if you need to borrow it, just ask." He relaxed and went inside. 
    "Well- I guess we should check out things inside.." Daesung said, lifting Seungri up via arm-pull 

    "Okay." The two then went inside. 
    The dorm was stuffy. Not air wise, but with angst. 'Damn.. did I miss a melodrama?' Seungri tucked his hands in his pockets and followed D-Lite into the kitchen. He gave the maknae a questioning look but he just shrugged his shoulders; now-a-days, who knows what goes on. 
    The table was already set, food and all, complete with the assistant in an apron; but he was the only one sitting down. 'Where is everyone?' Seungri thought, looking out over the bar into the living room, but no one was lounging there either. The assistant just looked at us and smiled.
    "Hey guys, welcome back!" He said, but the smile seemed a bit fake; somthing else was obviously on his mind. He shook his head as if he was trying to forget something and looked at Dae and then back at Seungri, his smile faded as if it was never there. "You know, you really worried me.." He said, pouting a little while he twirled the spaghetti on the table with his fork. 
    Daesung just stood where he was, but he broke down the awkward barrier. "Listen, I didn't mean to scare you guys, it was totally my pla-"
    The assistant raised his hand to stop him. "I said I was just scared.." He added again, carefully and quietly. "But to be honest, I'm not mad at all." With this, he raised his head and smiled; but, why did he seem so feminine when he did it? 'I must really need some sleep..' The panda thought, rubbing his eyes. "I'm not mad, I just hope you guys had a good date. Oh, and if your'e wondering, everyone else seems to have gone to bed. Long day. I suggest you two do the same, we have another packed schedule in the morning so rest up!" With that, the assistant got up and started to store all the uneaten meals in containers, shoo-ing the couple out.
    'Something still seems odd..' The panda pondered. 'Even on our toughest days, the guys always at least see each other before retiring..' Daesung interrupted his thought by stopping.
     "Seungri, are you going to follow me to my room..?" Dae asked nervously, not turning around. This instantly changed Seungri's train of thought. 'Well, I wasn't planning on it, but..' He made up his mind when Daesung turned around. The guy's whole face was blushing; he was so damn cute, it sent waves of hunger through Seungri's body. The emotion was so intense, it kind of took over the panda.
     "You wouldn't mind would you?" He asked, innocent like, even though his cravings weren't as pure. Daesung just gave a soft "Well, not particularly.." And continued blushing and walking to his room. Man, that guy was a mess.
     As soon as Dae closed the door, Seungri started to strip. He went straight to the bed and took off his things like it was his very own room; carelessly throwing his shoes, socks, suit jacket, dress shirt, and under shirt behind him. D-Lite just turned and froze, he was totally mesmerized. Seungri licked his lips, this was going to be fun.
Due to the fun things of life such as exams, divorce, and finally moving to a new state, I was regrettably unable to write. How I missed the relentless typing of the keys and the sleepless nights I had grown fond of! But now I'm back, and glad to be. I hope this is long enough for yew guys! Oh my lord I love my readers so much, I truely missed you all more than anything! But enough of my pointless rambling, pleas comment and share your oppinion if you would be as kind as to do so, but for you to merely skim my literature means a whole lot, this is of course your time that you allowed to spend reading my text. Until the next chapter!
-Alex <3
© 2013 - 2024 AlexDamini
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ThatXXLover's avatar
Aww Ji oppa did the mean Bae hurt you...... just come over to your yeodongsaeng, I'll take care of you.
:blowkiss: :hug:
haha serves TOP right....payback's a true bitch :lmao:

Um whoa.... uh Panda ...where is this going?? :shocked: